Home > About Probus Club of Ballarat Gardens

About Us

Friendship, Fellowship and Fun

Probus Club of Ballarat Gardens was formed in April 2011 by a group of interested people. We can have up to 121 members and we are always looking for new members to be part of our active club. It is simple to join, and we’d love to hear from you if you are interested.

The Club is most certainly for friendship, fellowship and fun. There are no requirements on the members at all. We have a monthly General Meeting which includes a Guest Speaker. They usually talk on many things that would interest retired or nearly retired people. Our members look forward to our Monthly Meetings, where we can all meet up with everybody. At the moment, our Monthly meetings are held at the Djila-tjarriu (Alfredton) Community Hub, 18 Donegal Drive, Alfredton, 3350

We also have many outings during each month, including dine outs, getaways, walking group, coffee get together. We also have ten pin bowling, craft group and a colouring group. In the summer months we also have picnics and a garden lovers’ group.

Here’s what some of our members are feeling about Club…

Friendly, Welcoming Club

When we moved to Ballarat, we knew no-one here. One day, we went to a CFA meeting, and met a couple there, who lived very close to us. They were very friendly and after a while they mentioned Probus to us. Anyway, we went along to a monthly meeting and got to meet many more people. The Club was so warm and friendly, and welcomed us wholeheartedly.

We’ve been members now for about 5 years and the Club has made our lives much more fulfilled.

Peter D.

What a great Club

I’ve been a member of Probus Club of Ballarat Gardens for about 5 years. During that time, the club members made me feel very welcome and it was very easy to become a part of the club. I found it very fulfilling, and I’d like to thank the members for their support over the years, especially during COVID.


To join our club, please contact us and we will get potential new members to attend a few activities to see if they like it. If they do, there is a joining fee of $35 and an annual subscription of $50.

If you're interested in finding out more, please contact us.